
Error Analytics Framework Image
Wooga - User Research & FrontEnd

Error Analytics Framework 3.0, 2016


Wooga's Games Portal Image
Wooga - User Experience & FrontEnd

Wooga's Simple Backend Services 2016


Interactive Booth for ISTH Amsterdam 2014 Image
AS&K Digital - FrontEnd

Interactive Booths for ISTH Amsterdam 2014


Bayer Healthcare eDetailers Image
AS&K Digital - FrontEnd

Bayer Healthcare eDetailers 2013


World Book Day Portal Image
StreamUK - FrontEnd Dev

World Book Day 2012 Event Streaming Website

WORK Experience.

April 2017 | Sitael

Product Owner & Usability Consultant

SITAEL is an Italian Space Company leading the development of e-bike management system promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. As external consultant, I focused my efforts finding critial bottle-necks inside the design process and development team, in order to design a user-centered product.

  • Performing Design Sprints with international clients
  • Training Product Owners on User Research and Usability
  • Promoting collaboration, transparency and AGILE principles

August 2014 - November 2016 | Wooga

UX Designer & Product Owner

Wooga is one of the most popular developers of mobile games in the world.

  • Investigation of user's needs, workflows and distractions
  • Mockups and early validation with users
  • Analysis and planning of development tasks for developers with Agile
  • Validation, evaluation and improvement of delivered services

July 2012 - June 2014 | AS&K Communication

Senior FrontEnd Developer

AS&K is a medical communications agency providing marketing services to the healthcare industry.

  • Analyse and review design proposals with UX team
  • Prototyping of wireframes for web-platforms
  • Test and delivery of cross-devices and cross-browsers applications
  • Research and tutoring on the latest development technologies

August 2010 - 2012 | StreamUK

FrontEnd Developer and 3Tier Support

StreamUK is a streaming solutions provider, helping owners maximise the value of their contents.

  • Design of micro-sites for live events streaming
  • Development of RIAs for Samsung Smart TV
  • Design of video players using MS Silverlight
  • 3rd Tier Technical Support for clients
  • Business development in foreign countries such as Italy


2008 - 2010 | Aalborg University Copenhagen (Denmark)

Medialogy - Master of Science

Medialogy is based on studies of human and computational perception, audio-visual effects, animation and computer games, immersive systems and ubiquitous computing. This course features the “Problem-Based-Learning” pedagogical model, which focuses on project and team management features.

  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Sensor Technology
  • Interaction Design
  • Media Technology
  • Computer Graphics

2004 - 2008 | Universita' degli Studi di Bari (Italy)

Computer Science and Digital Communication - Bachelor of Science

The course covered theoretical and practical knowledge related to Computer Science and Communication: design, development, management of IT and multimedia.

  • Multimedia Design
  • Databases
  • Networking
  • Programming Languages